Account Restore

The Account Restore interface displays the status and progress of your account restoration, and any warnings.

In Progress


To pause this process, click Pause.


If you accidentally close this interface in WHM, navigate to the Review Transfers and Restores interface (WHM >> Home >> Transfers >> Review Transfers and Restores) and click the appropriate View link.

Use the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/view_transfer script to watch the process's progress via the command line. The correct command appears at the bottom of the WHM interface:



After the transfer and restoration process is complete, the top of the interface displays a Completed message.

The links below the Restore section allow you to review the account's restoration log, which can help you identify and resolve any warnings or skipped items. The total number of warnings and skipped items appears below each account's link.

To view a log file, click the appropriate link to the log file.


To confirm that the system added the newly-transferred account to your backup configuration, navigate to WHM's Backup Configuration interface (WHM >> Home >> Backup >> Backup Configuration) or Legacy Backup Configuration interface (WHM >> Home > Backup >> Legacy Backup Configuration).



In addition to the transfer and restoration logs, the Summary section provides a list of severe warnings:

  • Invalid log files that the system rejected.
  • Renamed databases.
  • Renamed database users.
  • Skipped database grant tables.

You can use the Rename links in this section to change the names of accounts, databases, and usernames.


Restricted Restore errors

If a component of the backup file experiences an issue (for example, a MySQL grant table is compromised, or a symbolic link attack), the system will not restore that portion of the backup file, and the interface will issue a warning.

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